I know that I usually post one long blog a day rather than multiple shorties, but I saw this and I had to comment.
Mariah Carey. We all know she's maybe not the brightest bulb ever shoved on stage, but this has to be a new low. She left Obama's inauguration ceremony before it had begun, because she was asked to sit with the other celebrities in the VIP area. Why was this unacceptable?
She thought she should be sitting with Obama's family.
Today's phoenix is green, this time for Mariah's envy...
EDIT: I'm linking you the article.
EDIT 2: Fixed the link, the article was moved. Apologies to those who clicked and got nowhere :(
She what?
Blackharrier32 (Updated )
Uh-huh. Not only that, but she was "furious" - check the link, it has to be seen to be believed...